Publicaties en documenten

Hieronder vindt u een overzicht van een aantal van onze publicaties en documenten.

Internationale publicaties


Habion the English language version

Habion the English language version.


Liv inn the English language version

Liv inn the English language version


Care driven by well-being

Published on official blogs and reposted to several different news outlets in Taiwan on the occasion of a visit to Taiwan, May 2018.


How about living in the Library?

How about Living in the Library? New Trends of Senior Housing in Netherlands Challenge Your imagination about Senior Housing. Artikel in Silver Linings Global (Taiwan).


Social housing for seniors best practices

Social housing for seniors: best practices on achieving comfortable and energy efficient buildings. Written by Peter Boerenfijn and Joost van Hoof


Energy and buildings

A multi-case study of innovations in energy performance of social housing for older adults in the Netherlands. Study by Peter Boerenfijn, Joost van Hoof and  others.


Re-Inventing Existing Real Estate of Social Housing for Older People

Building a New Benring in Voorst The Netherlands. Case Report written by Joost van Hoof and Peter Boerenfijn.


Never waste a good crisis

Mede met dank aan de crisis vindt Habion bestaande verzorgingshuizen opnieuw uit. Uiterst succesvol, bovendien duurzaam en betaalbaar. En met tevreden bewoners, want daar is het ons om te doen.